Every tooth has got PULP and may contain 1-6 pulp canals, the pulp consists of nerve fibers and blood supply to the tooth. When a tooth decay or dental carries becomes deep and enters the pulp, it causes severe tooth ache, which is commonly nocturnal (increases during the night), the pain is commonly pulsating.
If the tooth is left without doing any treatment, this may lead to dental abscess.
Earlier the only treatment method available for such tooth was extraction of the tooth, while with the upcoming of RCT the tooth can be retained without pain or infection.
Steps in RCT:
Step 1: The access cavity is prepared till the pulp chamber.
Step 2: Biomechanical debridrment of the pulp canals done to get rid of the pus and damaged or infected pulp.
Step 3: The pulp canals are cleaned, dried and restored with a inert material named Gutta Percha and the cavity is restored with temporary filling material.
Step 4: The temporary filling material is replaced with High strength permanent filling material.
Step 5: The tooth is trimmed and shaped, impression is made and finally a permanent crown is placed.
All these procedure may take 4 or more appointments.
A properly Root Canal Treated tooth will stay for lifetime without creating any pain.
Crown placement is necessary, since a Root Canal Treated tooth is deprived of the blood supply and becomes fragile, and when the crown is placed the life of the tooth is increased and may stand till the lifetime.